So last night, I was volunteering with David at a camp for children with diabetes - it was something that we got to do through his work at Sprint. We were working the octopus-like ride...you know, that kind of ride where you could spin the seats like a teacup while you swung around...that kind of thing. Well, it was getting pretty late in the night - close to 9:00 and there weren't many kids wanting to ride the ride any longer. I decided that I would take a turn riding to balance it out as there were two kids on the direct opposite side of me (the truth, I promise!). As I was sitting there, some other kids came to ride and I asked them if they liked to spin really fast. The first turned me down, but there was a brave little guy that was around 8 who decided he'd brave riding with me. I warned him we'd go reeeeeally reeeeeeally fast, but he said, "Bring it on."
Right before we started going, I said something to David, who was the ride operator that time around, calling him "Sweetie". The little kid looked at me funny for calling him that, and I explained to him that David was my husband. That cleared up his confusion, and the ride started going, and I started spinning. And spinning. And spinning. The kid looked at me and said, "My face is starting to spread out!" And, sure enough, it was! Just for fun, I started spinning us faster.
As I continued getting faster and faster, the kid's amusement turned into awe, then horror. Afraid I was about to make him sick, I decided I shouldn't make it go any faster, but as I kept spinning, he looked at me, then at David, then back to me and shouted, "HOW DOES HE LIVE WITH YOU?!?!"
Sometimes, when I spin David around in our office chair, I ask myself the same thing.
You don't live in OP...silly.
???...I don't??? When did that happen???
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